Event Source: Userenv
ID: 1053
Description:Windows cannot determine the user or computer name. (The RPC server is unavailable. ). Group Policy processing aborted.
Source: Userenv
Event Source: AutoEnrollment
ID: 15
Description:Automatic certificate enrollment for local system failed to contact the active directory (0x8007003a). The specified server cannot perform the requested operation. Enrollment will not be performed.
ID: 1054
Description:Windows cannot obtain the domain controller name for your computer network. (A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host. ). Group Policy processing aborted.
Okay, login, gpudate /force all good, DNS resolves, Network connected, GP IS applied.
Event Source: NETLOGON
ID: 5719
Description:No Domain Controller is available for domain ***** due to the following: The RPC server is unavailable. . Make sure that the computer is connected to the network and try again. If the problem persists, please contact your domain administrator.
Strange, I can ping the computer immediately after bootup, in fact before the user can even login. So of course I update the computer NIC driver (HP dc5800) with the latest and greatest after finding several posts regarding Intel and Broadcom NIC's. Problem solved right.
Next day, same issue. (note, user doesn't actually see ANY issues, I just see it in the event log and it bugs the hell out of me and it's on multiple computers all with Intel / Broadcom newer NIC's). Sure I found all the posts stating that you can update the driver (which I did) set the link speed to 100 (but I installed gigabit switches so we could use gigabit not fast ethernet), check w32Time (which was correct), network issues (which I didn't "think" I had), DNS issues, check firewall, rejoin the domain, etc
So I happen across this handy MS article. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/840669
Sounds just like it. Gigabit network, Gigabit NIC, still get net shares, etc.
This problem is more likely to occur on fast networks that use 1-gigabit networkNo good, applied the setting and same errors. Grrrr.
adaptors or in teaming environments where the network takes several additional
cycles to negotiate link speed
So next day I check some of it's settings, here's how I have now resolved this error on multiple machines by:
1. Turn off Hibernation
2. Check NIC Power Settings and remove anything mentioning reduce power, standby, hibernation, etc.
No more errors =)
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