For this I ran a P2V conversion using XenConvert v2.0.1.
- Log into the server needing converted.
- Install XenConvert
- Remove Virtual Iron Tools and reboot
- From "This Machine (machine name)" To "Xen Virtual Appliance"
- Select the disk to convert and a location to store the conversion. In order to get this to work I had to map a network drive to the server with a drive of E (C for local disk and D for cdrom). According to the XenConvert guide this is a known issue.
- Conversion took a long time on a 20GB drive. This was due to it pulling the drive into a .vhd and then converting the .vhd into XVA.
- Import the ova.xml the same as outlined in Virtual Iron > XenServer Conversion
Important: the initial boot of the server was fine, but after a shutdown I began to receive the error "NT Detect Failed" when booting. I was able to fix this by booting to the installation CD and running a repair (R). Once at the prompt I ran chkdsk /r which resolved the issue
Note: I found it extremely important to remove the VI Tools before the conversion. Otherwise a lot of issues would begin on the second boot of the VM.